Following the Government's mess of reorganising hospital services it is now hell bent on privatising, it calls it "commissioning", primary care.

Large health corporations such as United Health and Virgin Healthcare are being encouraged to takeover GPs' surgeries.

These are big companies whose main aim is to maximise profit at the expense of NHS funds.

Doctors would become salaried employees and receptionists and practice nurses would lose their membership of current pension schemes.

The Government has said that private companies would only be considered where "there was no alternative". However, the Department of Health recently demonstrated its willingness to turn to the "alternative". Private companies are being awarded contracts for GPs' surgeries on the basis of cost not care. United Health has won three contracts in Camden on so-called "value for money" tests but not on service. Indeed, a group of GPs also bidding were judged to offer a superior service but were seemingly undercut by the private provider.

I urge all your readers to stand up to the Government. Write to Brighton and Hove PCT and insist that primary care isn't handed over to big business.

  • Ken Kirk, Tower Road Brighton