For one of the most momentous documents in a century to outline the future plans for eastern Brighton, it is grossly inappropriate to reduce the approval of the planning advisory note (Pan) for the development of Brighton Marina and Black Rock to a matter of minutes at today's environment committee meeting at Hove Town Hall. It should be the duty of the committee to thoroughly vet the Pan in a dedicated meeting in order for the issues raised by it to be tested by councillors and their constituents.

What is Brighton and Hove City Council afraid of and what is their real agenda if this is their idea of dynamic leadership?

Where is the vision of the committee other than to facilitate the major planning applications waiting next in the pipeline to be processed?

It is time to be inspired by the legacy of those who built the famed architectural masterpieces and designs from which Brighton has drawn its wealth for decades. Not rush through the approval of a plan out of fear of dealing with its shortcomings.

The Pan, like a road map, must be known to be relied upon before planning confidently the way ahead. At the moment it is designed for the developers' vision of the marina, not its present or future community, who were largely omitted from consultation.

It leaves one to shake one's head in dismay or be soon shaken by the pounding of piles 10m from our unstable cliffs and delicate heritage buildings as the tower blocks go up. We will then all be on shaky ground for years to come.

We encourage people to attend the meeting see for themselves what actually happens.

  • Paul Phillips, chairman, Kemp Town Society Chichester Terrace Brighton