My Device are an acquired taste. Your mum might say it just sounds like noise, but to the trained ear it's apparent that this is a band very much in control.

Since gatecrashing the NME 18 months ago, they have been subjecting audiences across the UK to a unique barrage of no-fi guitar and complex rhythm work.

This tour, ending in their hometown of Brighton, has left the band sounding extremely tight, evident in the vociferous battery flying from the venue's sound system as the band launched into a solid rendition of album opener Get On Like A House On Fire.

There is a tribal intensity to the My Device sound, conceivably best outlined by recent single Super Tonio and the thud of Slamming Doors, topped with healthy helpings of distortion in a sonic assault on even the most inane of brains.

They also played some new songs with more melody and, if left to their own devices, maybe even your mum could like them.