Two city centre pubs could face court after failing to clean up cigarette butts dropped by smokers.

The Freebutt in Phoenix Place and The Fishbowl in East Street, both in Brighton, have been issued cigarette litter control notices by Cityclean inspectors The pubs are the first in the South East to receive the 12-month notices, which could eventually land them in court facing a £2,500 fine.

The notices were issued by Brighton and Hove City Council after warning letters failed to persuade the management to clean up their act.

Since the smoking ban was introduced in July last year, drinkers regularly congregate outside pubs to smoke, often throwing the used butts on to the pavement.

Geoffrey Theobald, chairman of the city council's environment committee, said: "These businesses were warned that this council will not tolerate litter on our streets and that failure to clean up their act would lead to legal action and a hefty fine.

"I can assure our residents and those businesses who take pride in the appearance of their premises that we will continue to get tough on those who shirk their responsibilities."

The notices demand that the pubs take immediate action to sweep up cigarette ends and other litter from outside their premises while they are trading and after they close at night.

Managers could end up in court if they fail to comply with the orders over the next year.

Brighton and Hove City Council is the first in the South East to have issued notices specifically aimed at cigarette litter.

The move is part of the "Scores on the Floors" campaign which aims to encourage businesses to take responsibility for cleaning up discarded cigarette ends and other litter from outside their premises.

Launched in October last year, the campaign includes regular spot checks by Cityclean enforcement officers, who then draw up a league table for the best performers and worst offenders.

The Scores on the Floors inspections are now being extended east and west of the city centre in response to public demand.

Among the cleanest venues from the most recent inspections were the Pavilion Tavern, the Thistle Hotel and Brighton Unemployment Centre.

Council buildings Kings House and Bartholomew House also received an A rating.

Both pubs refused to comment when approached by The Argus yesterday.

Soozie Campbell, Brighton and Hove Business Forum's city centre manager, said: "It is one of those things that people don't seem to take seriously until they are fined for it.

"It's not nice to see cigarette butts all over the pavements so venue owners should take responsibility."