A vicar has caused uproar for claiming that Britain panders to Muslims and tolerates "undesirable"


The vicar of Wilmington and Arlington, near Polegate, has been criticised by politicians, gay rights activists and religious leaders for his comments.

The Rev Iain Morrison wrote the remarks in the latest edition of his parish magazine, available free to everyone in his parish.

He said: "I don't know about you but I join many others in finding this constant reference to the need to accommodate those of other faiths in our own country somewhat uncomfortable only because we seem at times to focus on them and not upon our own traditions and even Christian faith which this nation purports to uphold.

"The United Kingdom sits firmly near or even the bottom of the league in the EU and even the civilised world for many undesirable traits: same-sex relationships, alcoholism, drug abuse, etc.

"As an ordained priest, I am well aware of the political correctness' that has crept into our society today.

"No prayers at council meetings, shops open on Good Friday and most Sundays, no religious letters' from the vicar in local magazines, no mention of Jesus, as it might upset the Moslems."

Imam Mohamed Mohmoud, of the Islamic Society and Mosque in Dyke Road, Brighton, said he was upset by the remarks.

He said: "I believe we should work towards a mutual understanding between all religions in Britain."

James Ledward, editor of GScene, a gay and lesbian magazine, said: "I find it really offensive. Bigotry is alive within the Church of England and needs to be challenged at every step."

Lewes MP Norman Baker said: "I agree with him that there is a spiritual dimension missing from life today.

"But I think it is quite wrong to assume that those who are not downthe- line Christians are somehow lacking in morality.

Last night The Rev Morrison said: "I wanted to talk about double standards.

If you mention the prophet Mohamed in a derogative way on TV there will be riots in Bradford.

"But you can mention God or Jesus and the Christian faith in the same way and nothing happens."