A Brighton and Hove Albion footballer has joined other new British citizens to swear allegiance to the Queen.

Australian midfielder Paul Reid joined people from 21 countries, including Zambia and Afghanistan, to take part in the citizenship ceremony at Hove Town Hall.

A choir of 49 children drawn from 13 schools in the area welcomed the 35 new citizens to Britain.

They were given naturalisation certificates by the city mayor Carol Theobald in what was the final ceremony of her year in office.

She said: "Having children welcome new residents is a lovely idea. The ceremony is all about newcomers entering into the spirit of Britain and that spirit is embodied in some of these traditional songs.

"It also helps teach our children about other parts of the world."

Since citizenship ceremonies were introduced by the Government in 2003, Brighton and Hove City council has conducted 53 ceremonies involving 1,231 people.