I recently learned there is a council proposal to ban dogs from all Brighton and Hove's beaches, undercliffs, clifftops and golf courses between April and September.

This is being foisted on us with little consultation and is a matter of great concern to the thousands of dog owners.

I am sure we would all support harsher fines and better policing for the minority who let their dogs foul the beaches but this measure is draconian and unfair.

A trip to the beach will show anyone the main source of pollution is beer cans, broken bottles, nappies, chip wrappers and plastic. Any move to help clean up our beaches is great news for all of us who enjoy our fantastic coast and for our vital tourist industry, but this is ill conceived.

I invite any one with an interest to examine the petition www.petition online.com/BRIGHTON/petition.html.

I ask readers of The Argus to help us champion this cause and help us maintain our peaceful and harmless pursuit of dog walking.

  • Mark Bayliss, Newlands Road Rottingdean