The leader of Brighton and Hove City Council is to stand down on May 15.

Brian Oxley, who led the Conservative group to victory in the last May's election, said he was stepping aside to "pursue other personal and professional interests".

He will resign at the council's annual meeting on May 15, when a new "strong leader" and cabinet system will replace the current committee set-up.

Coun Oxley said he will remain a councillor for his Westbourne ward and intends to stand in the next elections in 2011.

His successor as leader of the Conservative group will be chosen by the Tories on April 7, with many predicting Councillor Mary Mears as a front runner.

The Argus first revealed the news of Coun Oxley's departure earlier this morning.

In a statement, Coun Oxley said: "I came to this decision after a lot of thought.

"I believe I have achieved what I set out to do when my group took over the administration last May and given that I wish to pursue other personal and professional interests, the time to move on is now.

"We've delivered on our promises - such as keeping council tax low while striving to deliver excellent services, overseeing the transition to a new cabinet system while fighting to keep the best parts of the previous system, and setting a new vision for the city that will see it continue to prosper and remain one of the best places in the country.

"However, there is still more to do and I am confident that the council will achieve these over the coming years.

"I want to assure you that the undertakings I have given around the new governance arrangements are supported by all my colleagues and will be carried forward by whosoever is chosen as the new leader."

Moves towards a new leader and cabinet system will still happen as the change is a Government requirement.