Hard work and discipline ensured a school's annual show was a theatrical success.

More than 100 pupils from Varndean School, in Balfour Road, Brighton, performed Fiddler On The Roof, showcasing their musical and dramatic talents.

The actors took their audience back in time to Tsarist Russia in 1905.

The show told the story of Tevye and his five daughters and his attempts to maintain his family and religious traditions while outside influences encroach upon their lives.

Head of drama Edgar Taljaard, who co-directed the play with Toby Willis, said: "Well over 100 students managed to produce an excellent performance, a testament to their concentration, hard work and discipline over the last six months.

"Auditions are pending for next month's Bugsy Malone, to be performed in the summer term by Year 7 and 8 to give younger students a chance to shine."