With regard to Jean Calder's article "The unhappy generation" (The Argus, March 15), did she not consider that the fact the Association of Teachers and Lecturers is concerned about children's right to be happy speaks volumes about the education system's overwhelming focus on young people and their emotional "literacy".

Assessment for learning, pupil voice, robust anti-bullying policies and designated child protection officers are part of every school's fabric and core purpose. Other agencies are admittedly stretched yet the children's trusts are a means of tackling this by reinforcing the need for co-ordinated multiagency support.

I resent Ms Calder's criticism of professionals who battle every day against formidable barriers to protect and nurture our students. She should also consider that some of those barriers are the media's portrayal of the cult of celebrity and perpetuation of the myth that all young people's problems are solved when they can find someone else to blame.

  • Karen Shaw, Castle Road, Worthing