A rough sleeper was viciously kicked in the head in a row over money, a court heard.

Jason Reynolds and Martin Streeter attacked Jason Evans as he slept in St Anne's Well Gardens, Hove.

Mr Evans and his partner Tara Evans had bedded down for the night near the café in the park on May 25 last year.

Ryan Richter, prosecuting, said the couple were woken at 9am the next day by Reynolds shouting that it was time to get up.

Witnesses, including a jogger, told police they saw Reynolds repeatedly kick Mr Evans in the head. Streeter joined in the attack after Reynolds shouted: "Where's your minder now?"

Mr Richter added: "The witness said the kicks were delivered with full force."

Mr Evans managed to get to his feet, fled from the park and flagged down a passing police car.

He suffered cuts and bruises to his face but was not seriously injured, Hove Crown Court heard yesterday.

Streeter, 50, of Cambridge Road, Hove, and Reynolds, 38, of Leaman Road, York, pleaded guilty to causing Mr Evans actual bodily harm.

Jeffrey Lamb, for Reynolds, said Reynolds claimed he was owed £75 by Mr Evans.

He had been on his way to the café for breakfast with Streeter when they saw Mr Evans and his girlfriend in their sleeping bags.

Mr Lamb said: "He had no idea that the victim would be there but an argument began about the money.

"He accepts that his actions went over the top."

Frank Winslett, for Streeter, said there was a history of incidents involving Mr Evans who had an antisocial behaviour order preventing him from going to Cambridge Road where Streeter lived.

Mr Winslett said Streeter had not intended to attack Mr Evans but joined in once it was started by Reynolds.

Judge David Rennie jailed Reynolds for a year. Streeter was given a six month sentence, suspended for two years.

He must also do 150 hours' community work and complete an alcohol treatment course.