The mystery of 500 starfish found washed up on Brighton beach has been solved.

Marine experts at the Environment Agency believe a combination of storms and spring tides dislodged the creatures from the seabed and swept them onto the shore.

Speculation about the cause of the beached starfish has swirled since thousands were washed onto the Kent coast two weeks ago.

Ecologists were called in to investigate the mass deaths and have concluded that the Kent and Brighton incidents are unconnected.

The starfish in Kent are believed to have been killed by fishermen who dredged the sea floor for mussels.

In Brighton, the creatures were detached from their rocky homes by rough seas and strong tides last week.

A spokeswoman for the agency said: "It is a natural occurrence and does happen when conditions are like they were.

"We are talking to a local expert but we do not believe it will have an impact on the local population."