Heather Mills reached a settlement of £24.3 million in her divorce deal with Sir Paul McCartney, it was revealed today.

Surrounded by a throng of reporters she said that the settlement secured her own future and that of her and Sir Paul's daughter Beatrice - as well as her charities. Describing herself as a "campaigning girl" she called on people to represent themselves in court but urged couples to do their best to resolve their problems immediately. She said: "I'm so glad it's over, it was an incredible result in the end to secure mine and my daughter's future and that of all the charities that I obviously plan on helping and making a difference with - because you know it has been my life for 20 years. "Obviously the court do not want a litigant in person to do well, it's against everything that they ever wish, so when they write the judgment up they're never going to make it look in favour. "But all of you that have researched know that it was always going to be a figure between 20 and 30 million, Paul was offering a lot less than that, which you'll see in the judgment, and very much last minute to put me and Beatrice sadly through this ... incredibly sad."