I am sick to death of Worthing councillors such as Ann Barlow stating she is confident of what Worthing residents want (Letters, March 3).

Has she been out and asked the public what they want? Has a survey been sent to residents?

The Connaught Theatre and staff with all its history and loyalty to the people of Worthing over the years could be demolished in one fell swoop, even though we are told it shows a healthy profit.

Suggesting the new swimming centre should be built on the site of Denton Gardens is another idiotic proposal by this council. What it should be doing is revamping the peaceful seafront garden with activities like crazy golf.

The old boating pool has been a disgrace for years and with the right people this could be made an attractive area to draw people in during the summer. The people who moved into Brooklands have made it a resounding success during the past two years. The council must not charge exorbitant rents to businesses which, in the long term, bring crowds to our area.

The business of bringing a huge, boring shopping centre to Worthing is like following sheep. People are fed up with visiting towns similar to the one they have just left. This does not require any imagination at all. It only requires being on the side of the developers who don't even live in the area.

The Guildbourne Centre has never been a success and the top floor has closed. So what hope is there for a new shopping mall?

The new police station in Chatsworth Road is a joke because it has not got a cell to house troublemakers.

The police have to take people all the way to the police station in Durrington.

I was born and bred in Worthing and have seen various councils waste money on a lovely town which has a personality of its own. I know a lot of people who live near Brighton who prefer to shop in Worthing. Please do not follow in Brighton's footsteps or we will have a monstrous building like the one being built at the King Alfred against residents' wishes.

And what on earth is this sculpture planned for Splash Point?

Will all council members please wake up before spending our money.

Find out what residents want before wasting our money.

Finally, no expansion of Worthing is worth the effort until there is a major bypass of the A27 and the parking problems are tackled.

  • Peter Knight, Langdale Close, Sompting