When the Tories were handed the reins by the electorate to run Brighton and Hove City Council I was prepared to give them some slack.

I can just about stomach the introduction of communal bins to tackle the carnage of black plastic bags when seagulls and foxes have their field day.

It may even turn out to be a good idea.

But I didn't have to wait long for the council to come up with a potty idea.

I'm talking about proposed dog control orders to ban dogs from large areas of the city and, in particular, sections of the beach during the summer.

Surely, this is overkill? If it's being done because of concerns over dog mess then, as dog mess can be found on pavements, we should be banning them from even leaving the house!

I don't own a dog but I know they give a lot of pleasure to people generally and I love seeing them down on the beach and helping their owners lead healthy and active lives.

I joined two recent protest marches along the seafront and it was great to see the dogs enjoying their open space and each other's company. Almost all the people I have spoken to about this issue think the council is barking mad.

This all comes down to responsible dog ownership. If the council perceives there is a problem then it should use education, persuasion and, if necessary, occasional enforcement to get dog owners to clear up after their charges and make sure they are in control of their behaviour.

What it shouldn't do is add yet another unwanted and unwarranted restriction to people's lives.

  • Christopher Wyatt, Bloomsbury Street, Brighton