Professor Stephen Hawking has been likened to a modern day Einstein.

When this man speaks it would be foolish not to listen. He is like a cosmic crime investigator.

He helps us comprehend the inconvenient reasons some lesser people would try to lead us to believe, through film and media propaganda, incorrect scientific theory. For instance, government- backed scare theories which are contrived to control us and govern us with taxation.

Global warming is sold by governments as an impending catastrophe and thus not recognised as a natural planetary phenomenon, much like our annual seasons but on a much grander timescale. Our planet needs a carbon gas atmosphere to create oxygen through photosynthesis. That's how life forms live and breathe on our planet.

The mass desecration of the rainforests, the "lungs" of the earth, by greedy profit-mad conglomerates including banks and governments has had a disastrous effect on weather patterns around the world.

Now the imbalance of weather systems has been established we all suffer the consequences: governments promoting green issues in a feeble attempt to redress the problems they created in the first place. As usual, this is carried out at our expense.

  • R Moore, Spital Road, Lewes