Brighton and Hove City Council should do more homework before they ban the release of helium balloons (The Argus, March 12).

A latex balloon is an outstanding example of an environmentally responsible product. Not only is it biodegradable but latex production requires the continuance of a vast tropical rainforest of trees and promotes forestation.

In fact, Columbia is a world leading exporter of balloons as part of its government's attempt to promote sources of revenue other than cocaine.

There is no scientific evidence that a single balloon has ever caused the death of an animal. In recent years, studies were conducted by Miami University where sea turtles were deliberately fed pieces of latex balloons. In all cases the ingested latex was passed by the turtles. None of the turtles choked.

Leading turtle researchers from the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, the University of Texas and the Okeanos Ocean Research Centre are on record exonerating balloons from the probable cause of sea turtle deaths.

In 2006, the Marine Conservation Society, along with 4,223 volunteers across 787km of shoreline, collected 373,048 items. Balloons made up only 0.5 per cent of the total.

Finally, we are all keenly interested in protecting our wildlife but in doing so we should focus on activities that produce meaningful results rather than symbolic gestures. Please do not associate a naturally produced product that is totally biodegradable, such as a latex balloon, with a plastic bag.

  • Steve Berry, Heighton Crescent, Newhaven