Who says newspapers never print good news!

The interest shown by Holy Trinity Brompton in St Peter's Church in Brighton is fantastic.

Holy Trinity's previous successes give us all cause to rejoice. The only hesitation I have is seeing that the diocese declined to give any meaningful comment.

If the Bishop of Chichester, John Hind, who took his seat in the House of Lords last week, and his sidekick, the Archdeacon of Chichester Douglas McKittrick, cared in the way one has the right to expect, I would have expected them to be cheering from the rafters that they could be saved the embarrassment of closing the church that, more than any other, symbolises the health of Christianity in an increasingly secular Brighton and Hove.

Let us pray that the Bishop and the Archdeacon now show they are acting in good faith.

  • P Turner, Kingsway Hove