I am writing to express my great disappointment at MPs not voting against giving me and the rest of the country an opportunity to have our say on the Lisbon treaty through a referendum.

I hope the House of Lords will be more honourable and give the people what they deserve - the right to vote on this despicable piece of legislation when it reaches the upper house.

At every general election for years we have been told the turnout goes down due to voter apathy. Can you wonder why, when this kind of scam is pulled on the electorate?

Tony Blair said we would have a referendum if Labour was returned to power at the last election.

Ninety-five per cent of people asked in a poll said they wanted a referendum.

It's no wonder society is falling apart when the leaders are so corrupt.

Politicians may think they can railroad the electorate, get away with excessive pay and allowances and live the high life at our expense with impunity, but let me tell you the people won't stand for this for ever. The worm will turn.

Parliament is in disrepute and until and unless we get a referendum things will only get worse.

  • Ray Hill, Christie Avenue Ringmer