In reply to Norma Johnson's letter regarding free bus passes for the elderly (March 13), I trust her ingratitude is not typical.

Until recently, this was not a widespread benefit and the expense of providing the free services has been well documented, both from the cost to the bus companies and the extra burden on fare-paying passengers.

Rush-hour buses are already busy, sometimes packed, with workers and children going to school. Would she really suggest that their employment or education should come second fiddle to others who have all day to go out?

Those elderly who work are often part-time and can choose their hours - or pay to travel.

As for hospital appointments, those at the start or end of the working day are keenly sought as many do not get paid for time off so maybe the elderly should try to plan appointments after the rush hour.

I don't begrudge the free passes and look forward to when I get mine. Just as I look forward to getting up a little later and avoiding the rush hour.

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