Does Jim Smith not realise there are many CountyCard holders waiting for buses before 9pm because of hospital appointments (Letters, March 10)?

Over-60s also have disabilities or specific medical problems.

Hospitals and doctors surgeries start their appointments from 8.30am onwards.

It is doubtful these "twirlies" - busspeak for pre-9pm cardholders - are standing there for fun.

Think to the future and imagine more disabled people facing serious medical problems applying for, or needing, bus passes.

The present lifestyle of bingeboozing, drug addiction and tattoos and studs of various kinds does not promise that many over-60s will be applying.

It is quite possible that pensioners travelling by bus after 9pm who stare at young mothers and their babies are not condemning them but thinking back to days when they were helped by willing and able bus conducters.

Young women encouraged to fend for themselves are now treated as equals so men no longer feel obliged to offer them a seat.

People now cannot hold a baby for fear of motives being misconstrued.

No. Many of the older generation regret years long gone - and pity women who are living in the even more unequal opportunities of the present day.

  • J Stewart, Hammy Lane Shoreham