Warring couple Sir Paul McCartney and Heather Mills will be forced to make a decision together today - how much, if any, of their divorce agreement is made public.

They spent six days in court last month in an acrimonious battle to decide the slice Miss Mills should have of the former Beatle's fortune after four years of marriage.

Mr Justice Bennett will deliver the details of his decision in private at the High Court in London today but will then take instructions from the parties over releasing any of the details.

The judge is believed to be trying to end the speculation over how much Sir Paul must find from his reputed £825 million assets to bring his marriage to an end.

Some lawyers have claimed it could be the biggest contested divorce settlement in British legal history with a final payout of around £60 million.

More conservative estimates put the figure at around £10 million because of the short duration of the marriage and the fact that most of Sir Paul's wealth was established decades before the couple met.

Sir Paul has home at Peasmarsh, near Rye, while Miss Mills has a home in Hove.