A tricycle ice cream seller has been banned from a seafront promenade - because of a ban on cycling.

Paul Fuller wanted to bring a taste of nostalgia to Littlehampton this summer by selling day-trippers ice creams from his hand-built bike.

But he was met with an icy response from Arun District Council chiefs and now faces being frozen out altogether.

Paul applied for a license for his Patching-based firm, Business on Wheels, but his pleas cut no ice with the cold-hearted council.

He even pledged to simply push the bike to the seafront instead of riding so he could sell the treats from one spot.

He said: "I was really surprised when they said no. The bikes really add some character to the seafront and everyone smiles when they see them.

"I said I would just push the bike, and they hardly pick up much speed at any rate.

"I just thought it would be a nice touch for day-trippers and residents in Littlehampton."

Other Sussex towns, including Worthing, allow the ice cream bikes despite seafront cycling bans.

Business on Wheels specialises in making the traditional machines which are sold to resorts across the country and in Europe.

Paul added: "I understand that other traders might have concerns and I can accept that, but the council cited the cycling ban as the reason for saying no, which strikes me as ludicrous.

"It seems they couldn't look through the bylaws and see the benefits of it. The bikes are eco-friendly and bring a bit of 1950s nostalgia to the promenade. It's a shame."

Littlehampton councillor Mark Butler said: "I don't think I have heard a more ridiculous decision since I have been a councillor."

A council spokesman said bosses had agreed to review the decision after thawing their stance on the issue.

He said: "Unfortunately we were unable to grant approval for Mr Fuller's application due to current bylaws that restrict the use of bicycles of any kind on the promenade.

"Though Mr Fuller did suggest he would not ride his trikes on the promenade, it was deemed that the presence of any such bicycles on the seafront could encourage other cyclists to the promenade.

"The council encourages and welcomes applications for new concessions that add interest and variety to Arun's seafronts.

"We are therefore prepared to undertake a review of this particular case, if so desired by the applicant."