Developers hope to start work on a controversial £15 million seafront housing complex this summer.

But first Bellwinch Homes has one last hurdle to overcome - securing Government backing for the scheme.

Worthing planners yesterday backed proposals for 117 homes on vacant land at the junction of Sea Place and Eirene Road in Goring.

But the scheme must now be sent to Whitehall for final approval, which could take at least a month.

Bellwinch planning and technical director Steven Whitehead told a meeting of Worthing Borough Council that he hoped workmen could be on site in two or three months.

He spoke of how the company was suffering from "design exhaustion"

due to the number of times the plans had been revised over the past two years to overcome concerns of councillors and residents.

Architect Tim Brennan said the complex would be a landmark development that Worthing could be proud of, but critics argued that too many homes were being "crammed" onto the site.

Fears Hundreds of protesters also warned of past flooding problems, fears of parking in nearby roads and the loss of Baloos restaurant and a toilet block which would be demolished to make way for the homes.

There has also been a continuing campaign by Goring Residents' Association to stop the existing sailing club being rebuilt about 75 yards west of its current location.

James Appleton, the council's assistant director of development control, said talks had been held with the sailing club to provide a refreshments kiosk which would help make up for bulldozing Baloos.

It was also proposed to provide a public toilet in a new health centre which formed part of the Bellwinch scheme.

Amid fears that the site was liable to flooding, Bryan Curtis, the council's principal engineer, sought to offer reassurance.

He said: "We are fully aware of the problems in the area, but they can be overcome."

Money from the sale of the land to Bellwinch would be used to help fund a new Aquarena swimming pool for the town.

Councillors voted 5-0 in favour of the scheme, with two abstentions.