With regard to the 12-year-old boy protesting about house building in Haywards Heath (The Argus, March 13), I would like to say: "All power to him."

Age is no barrier to having an opinion and youth is no obstacle to changing the world. I hope he continues his campaign and wakes up people to the desecration of our countryside by the house-building quotas foisted on us by the EU.

The pleasant views in our county, the idyllic river banks and the peaceful woodlands, all will be lost and for what? For the profit of property developers.

There is no disputing the fact we have a population crisis - evidenced by the exorbitant price of property in this country.

However, why do so few have to profit from solving it? I wouldn't mind so much if the countryside was destroyed by new houses which I had some say in or some part ownership of. For instance.

social housing that belongs to the state - remember that idea?

Instead our green and pleasant land is given over to commercial companies, the directors of which will doubtless make their millions before flying off to an exotic land leaving their mess behind them.

  • Neil Dyson, Hoe Lane, Sutton Abinger, Surrey