I would like to take issue with Jim Smith's assumptions about pensioners when he calls for tighter rules on free bus passes (The Argus, March 10). While I'm not qualified to comment on his suggestions about bus pass holders under 60, his digs about pensioners who "amazingly" can be seen standing at bus stops prior to 9am cannot be overlooked.

Is Mr Smith not aware the people he mentions might have an early hospital or doctor's appointment?

They might be doing voluntary work that requires them to be somewhere early in the morning for general duties or meetings.

It's too easy to make assumptions about pensioners. Ñot many people seem to know that the age range of this group is large - roughly 40 years.

Grey hair, glasses, sticks and poor mobility are not necessarily an impediment to continuing to be useful to society.

There are vast numbers of pensioners propping up society in their various voluntary duties, not to mention the fact that some are still working anyway. Working voluntarily still means working to set times, not when you feel like it - after 9.30am for instance. In any case, if older people wish simply to arrive in town early they have as much right as anybody else to do so.

I would ask Jim Smith to think again about his comments and to contribute to a more considered approach to older people, however annoying he may find them. There is too much ageism in society.

  • Beryl Thorne, Stoneham Road, Hove

Yet again Brighton and Hove pensioners are being criticised. Jim Smith appears to resent the County- Card holders who have access to buses before 9am. While I agree the majority would not need to travel into town to go shopping at that time, there are occasions when travel before this time is required.

Without a car, travel by bus is a necessity - most pensioners cannot afford the luxury of a taxi.

There has been much controversy about the CountyCard scheme. We should recall it was introduced by Gordon Brown when he was Chancellor as a sop to pensioners for not increasing pensions to a respectable level.

  • J Lyons, Deneside, Brighton

Jim Smith claimed OAPs are waiting for buses before 9am.We are not foolish or daft. We know the rules.

Perhaps those pensioners who are out early like to have a chat to their friends.

Some people may not see anyone when they shut their front door. Do not be hard on them. It is no fun getting old.

If there is a problem on the buses, let Roger French sort it out.

  • B Sage, Sandhurst Avenue Woodingdean