It was with some excitement that I watched on television the representative from Essex County Council describing how he hoped his council would run their own post offices.

Since then I've scoured the pages of The Argus hoping for similar forward thinking from Brighton and Hove City Council. Unfortunately I haven't found any. Our council is probably too busy banning dogs from beaches.

Congratulations then to the residents of Chelwood Gate near Haywards Heath who have opened their own market which they hope will become a community managed store (The Argus, March 11).

If big business turns its back on little people then the people have to fight back. It's as simple as that. Writing letters and signing petitions hasn't kept our post offices open.

Why don't we just run them ourselves. If a post office is profitable why can't it be reopened?

  • Rosie Butcher, Beaconsfield Villas, Brighton