Having seen Brighton and Hove Council City Council's proposal for increased charges in parking zones across the city (The Argus, March 10), I can only assume that the wardens and office staff who administer this regulation are being granted a substantial pay increase.

When Zone W was introduced the council proposed residents would have a reduced first year charge of £26. This was withdrawn and replaced by the full charge of £40 once residents had accepted the restrictions. When I questioned this I received a letter from the council stating that they could not offer the discount because the Government directive on the introduction of parking schemes was that they could only be brought in if they were selffinancing.

The set-up costs of signs, etc, were higher than expected. This might be acceptable in the first year but now we have a 50 per cent rise two years on, with no explanation of the extra cost the scheme has incurred.

We have just two hours per day when enforcement is necessary.

Could it be that the revenue from expected offenders has not materialised, and, oh dear, people are abiding by the rules? The nearby zones have enforcement from 9am-8pm and their charges, as well as income from pay and display, are rising by just 25 per cent which means people in Zone W are paying a higher rate. It would appear that we are paying for other council expenditure.

  • Graham Payne, Raphael Road, Hove