Following an incident on Brighton's busy roads this week, my pregnant wife is still barely able to stop crying.

Can anyone believe that after a minor road accident in Preston Drove she was attempting to exchange details and ensure that nobody was hurt when she was seriously verbally abused by several other road users.

Normally she would be carrying our toddler in the car but on this occasion she was not. She was hit from the side by a car emerging from a junction. The driver of the car was reluctant to exchange details and my wife was nearly run over by arrogant and impatient drivers who clearly have more important things to do than look out for heavily pregnant women who have been involved in car accidents.

Frankly I am disgusted with the lack of care that some drivers display. If you bumped into someone walking in the street, you would not shout and swear at the other person.

When some people get inside a metal box they become self-important and think they have the right to ruin another person's day. Let's face it, getting to work could have waited for 30 seconds.

  • Jeremy Snelling, Craignair Avenue, Brighton