This Andrew Lloyd Webber musical followed on from the success of Phantom Of The Opera, and its opening in 1989 must have surprised and perhaps shocked audiences.

Instead of the expected opulence and spectacular staging they were confronted with what might be described as a chamber piece.

Gone were the crashing chandeliers and underground lakes, replaced by a simply-told tale of passion and amoral love.

Alex, a young man besotted by Rose, an actress, makes the mistake of letting her meet and fall for his uncle George.

The ensuing menage a trois soon becomes a quatre when Giulietta, George's mistress, falls for Rose.

Echoes of the Bloomsbury Set are unsurprising as the plot derives from a novella by David Garnett.

The show has a sung-through operatic style with a glorious, lush score and singing that thrills.

In this enjoyable revival Tim Rogers sings powerfully, matched by Shona Lindsay's performance as Rose and a moving George performed by David Essex.

Understudy Rachael Archer took on the role of Giulietta and justifiably received acclaim from the audience for her superlative performance.