A teenage thug has been locked up for his part in a savage hammer attack during a party celebrating his release from prison.

Ben Wood, 18, had just been let out of a jail when he lashed out at a victim in Eastbourne.

Lewes Crown Court heard trouble flared on the night of July 10 last year when a group of friends gathered at a flat in Cavendish Place, Eastbourne, to celebrate Wood's release.

But when a girl threw a water bomb out of the window hitting a passing car, it sparked a row between the youths and a group of Portuguese men.

One of the local youths attempted to stab one of the other group in the stomach with a knife. The attacker was never identified.

The Portuguese men ran away from the gang into Pevensey Road and met with their friend, Louis Silveira, who was returning home after work and had not been present at the earlier outbreak of violence.

But as the men stood talking in the street, they were confronted by Wood and Keiron Churcher as well as others.

Laura McQuitty, prosecuting, told the court Churcher, 24, hit Mr Silveira on the head with the hammer a number of times while Wood punched him repeatedly.

The attack was captured by police CCTV and shown to the court.

Mr Silveira suffered cuts to his head and face which needed stitches.

Wood was arrested and released on bail but weeks later he attacked another teenager with a knife, slashing his hands as the boy tried to protect himself.

Ms McQuitty said the 17-year-old victim was attacked from behind without warning as he was walking along the seafront on the night of August 19. He was hit repeatedly on the head and kicked in the back of the legs forcing him to fall to the ground.

She said: "The man had a black handled kitchen knife. He was attempting to slash him across the face. He put up his hands to protect his face and received cuts to his hands."

Wood was arrested for a third time a month later, on September 21, after he punched a man he knew after meeting him in the street. Wood, who was with his friend James Burnett, 20, were in Langney when they passed Eric Angel.

Wood asked Mr Angel for a cigarette and put his arm around him. While still holding on to him, Wood punched him twice in the face causing his victim a bleeding nose. As he fell to the floor Burnett punched him in the head. The attack was stopped by members of Langney Social Club.

Wood, of Cavendish Place, Eastbourne, who has more than 20 previous convictions, including violence, admitted wounding, assault causing actual bodily harm and affray. He was sentenced to two years and 11 months in a young offenders institution. He will also have to abide by a two year extended licence period when he is released.

Churcher, of Cavendish Place, Eastbourne, who has 20 previous convictions, including offences of robbery and violence, admitted wounding and was jailed for three years and six months.

Burnett, of Sorrel Drive, Eastbourne, admitted assault causing actual bodily harm and was sentenced to five months in custody.

Julian Dale, defending Wood, said last summer the teenager was drinking heavily and involved in thuggery around the seaside town. But he now felt ashamed. He said: "He is determined to stay clear of trouble in the future."

Rebecca Upton, defending Churcher, said he had been drinking heavily and taking crack cocaine at the time of the hammer attack. She said he had lost his temper when his girlfriend, Natasha Bickley, the mother of his child, was punched in the face during the row with the Portuguese men and then picked up the hammer he found in an alleyway.

She said he was ashamed and wanted to apologise to the victim.

Ms Upton, also defending Burnett, said the offence was out of character.

Judge Charles Kemp described the hammer attack as a vicious and cowardly assault.