A firefighter has been killed in a five-car horror smash.

Leigh John Robson, 27, was pronounced dead at the scene after the accident on the A21 near Robertsbridge last week.

Mr Robson, from St Leonards, was returning home after a shift in Dartford, Kent, when the accident happened shortly before 7pm on March 4.

Two others were left seriously injured and the road was closed for eight hours.

Mr Robson had served as on Dartford fire stationís red watch for two years and previously at Ashford, also in Kent, for three years.

Shocked and saddened by the news, all Kent Fire and Rescue Service buildings flew the Union flag at half mast.

Affectionately nicknamed Robbo at Dartford fire station, colleagues will remember his friendly and kind nature which made him popular with both members of the public and the workforce.

Watch manager Vince Lewis said: "Robbo always had a smile on his face and a very infectious laugh. He clearly relished the role of firefighter and his technical knowledge and practical ability was of huge benefit to both our watch and to the people served by the service.

"We all feel privileged to have served with Robbo ñ he was much more than just a colleague.

"The station has suffered a huge loss with his passing, one that I doubt we will ever be fully able to come to terms with. We will miss his friendship, good humour, enthusiasm and dedication to the job."

Outside work Mr Robson enjoyed a busy social life with the watch, taking part in a variety of activities including golf, go-karting, paintballing and mountain biking.

Dartford station manager Steve Appleton said: "Leigh was an integral part of both the watch and station. His contribution to the fire service and local community has been outstanding and his professionalism at incidents and public events was always of the highest standard. Leigh will be very deeply missed ñ our thoughts are with his family, girlfriend and friends."

Chief fire officer Charlie Hendry said: "Leigh was a highly regarded firefighter with such a promising career ahead of him. His colleagues at Dartford have lost a friend and the whole service shares a sense of sadness at the loss of a fine young man."

A funeral with complete fire service honours will be held at 2.15pm on March 19 at the Holy Redeemer Church in St Leonards. A private service will then be held at Hastings Crematorium at 4pm.

Donations should be made to the Fire Service National Benevolent Fund at Dartford Fire Station.

Sussex Police is investigating the accident. Any witnesses should call 0845 60 70 999, quoting Operation Hebden.

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