The brother of a man found with a massive brain injury in a police cell has spoken of his anguish.

Garry Reynolds is still in a coma on a life support machine ten days after he was arrested in Brighton.

The 39-year-old needed an operation to remove a blood clot from his brain at Hurstwood Park Neurological Centre in Haywards Heath.

Police are appealing for anyone who saw Garry in the early hours of Sunday, March 2, before he was arrested, to come forward.

The Independent Police Complaints Commission is investigating the circumstances surrounding his arrest and the hours he spent in police custody before he was found unconscious.

Garry's brother Graham, 38, has added his voice to the appeal for information.

He described the strain of coping with his brother's condition at the same time as having to deal with the two investigations.

Graham said: "It's such a sad time. I pray and I pray that my brother's going to get better and he will be standing next to me and will be laughing once again.

"I just want my brother to get better and come home."

Garry, a self-employed painter and decorator, grew up in the Hollingdean area of Brighton, and went to Dorothy Stringer School. He has lived in Southwick for the past two years.

He is a well-regarded athlete who has competed in the London Marathon and the Sussex Beacon 10km run.

Graham said: "Garry is a fighter and he will never, ever give up. He will beat this."

Garry left The Rock pub in Rock Street, Kemp Town, at about midnight on Saturday, March 1, and was seen heading towards Chesham Road.

The next reported sighting was nearly two hours later when he got into a taxi in Eastern Road at 1.50am. The taxi driver took him to West Street at about 2.35am and asked police for help.

He was arrested on suspicion of being drunk and disorderly and assaulting a police officer.

He was then taken to the Sussex Police custody centre at Hollingbury and locked in a cell.

At 11am, officers called an ambulance when they found him unconscious. He was taken to the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton, then transferred to the Haywards Heath unit.

Garry is 6ft 1in tall, thin, with ginger hair and one missing front tooth.

Sussex Police are asking anyone who saw him in Brighton between midnight and 1.50am on Sunday, or who has any information about his whereabouts at that time, to contact them on 0845 6070999, quoting Operation Flansham. Alternatively, people can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.

The IPCC wants to hear from witnesses in West Street who may have seen Mr Reynolds arrive in the taxi and his subsequent arrest. Call 0800 0969071 or email

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