Miles Godfrey's article asks for comments on plans to demolish and then rebuild the Guildbourne Centre (The Argus, March 6). Having lived all my life in Worthing I feel qualified to join the debate.

Worthing Borough Council cabinet member Ann Barlow talking about the plans said: "We are confident it is what the residents of Worthing want."

Why is she so confident? Has she asked Worthing residents? Is she so blinkered that she has failed to spot the numerous empty retail outlets in the town? The heart and soul of Worthing was ripped out with the demolition of the original town hall and the surrounding streets to make way for the current Guildbourne Centre.

To make this mistake once is bad enough but to repeat the same mistake 30 years later, coupled with the suggested demolition of the Connaught Theatre, is unforgivable.

I plead with councillors to think again. Do something different.

Stop Worthing's decline by attracting people with money to live here. Stop so-called affordable housing being built in the town.

Demolish the Guildbourne Centre but replace it with an area of expensive, quaint little replica fishermen's cottages, perhaps with a gated communal courtyard garden. Dare I suggest you attempt to reinstate something similar to what you destroyed all those years ago.

  • Martyn Booker, Orchard Avenue, Worthing