I agree with Andrew Tyrie MP about global warming (The Argus, March 10). We should be far more sceptical of the claims made by the green establishment.

In the past, many good reasons were given for reducing traffic and stopping road building, with climate change only a related issue. By placing climate change as the sole reason for all environmental concern, the green movement has lost its way. Gone are the specific arguments about biodiversity, landscape, sustainable transport and housing. All are now conflated under a simplistic "climate" banner.

The climate has always changed - not least in medieval times and prehistory, when it was far hotter. It seems the earth is gradually cooling, with occasional upward peaks. It has nothing to do with CO2.

Sadly, national and local environmental groups no longer take an open-minded approach to science, but prefer uncritically to acclaim Al Gore. A man who flies the world heedless of his own advice.

So who do they want to influence?

Even if the CO2 science was right, carbon offsetting would be impossible for mass transit since the land is needed for food crops. Only the super-rich would benefit, and it is those for whom Al Gore speaks.

It's good to be green but not politically naive. One very inconvenient question is: have those who wish to stop climate change decided what climate they want? That of now, or the middle ages?

  • Peter Poole, Eastern Road, Brighton

At last a Conservative MP, Andrew Tyrie, who is not afraid to question the teachings of the Al Gore religion most of whose devotees base their "firm and indisputable"

beliefs on the documentary An Inconvenient Truth.

I wonder how many have read Al Gore's book where anyone with a GCSE grade A or B could see the basis of his graph depicting 1,000 years of northern hemisphere temperature (note, not global) is unsound and totally misleading.

Gregory Barker got his metaphor quite wrong when he likened Mr Tyrie's stance to "appeasing Hitler".

It is MPs of all parties who toe the line who are the appeasers and Mr Tyrie is in a small way emulating a great Conservative before the Second World War whose warnings were ignored and derided.

  • Brian Beck, Highdown Road, Lewes