With post offices due to start closing this week, it's vital we keep up the pressure to ensure that a post office service remains in London Road, Brighton.

Gary Herbert, network development manager for Post Office Ltd, gave several assurances at a public meeting that this post office would remain open. I've now called on Post Office Ltd to give a clear and absolute commitment to keep a post office in London Road amid rumours that Tesco is planning a supermarket on the site of the former Co-op department store.

I've asked Post Office Ltd to delay post office closures or ensure a satellite post office remains while the future of London Road is decided and to reassure the community that a post office service will permanently remain in this area, but no such reassurance has been forthcoming. A post office service would be an essential element in the mix of local shops and services needed to successfully revitalise the area so I have also written to Brighton and Hove City Council asking whether the provision of a post office will be required as part of any redevelopment scheme.

David Lepper MP and I are now writing to the council to see if they would investigate council funding of a post office service in this area to ensure that this essential public service remains.

  • Nancy Platts, Labour's parliamentary candidate for Brighton Pavilion

In exceptional times of need, like the recent violent storms, we are reminded of the importance of local networks and support.

Many post office branches have become centres for communication.

Good councils support their geographically diverse neighbourhoods.

What Essex County Council is proposing to do with post offices - combining services and making businesses self-sufficient - makes a lot of sense.

In an uncertain future where energy and food may be better sourced locally, strong community networks will be important.

  • Jan Marshall, Arundel Road Newhaven