It was reported that I couldn't believe my bad luck when I found Guardian Parking Management had wheeled-clamped my car, giving the impression it was a booby prize I had won for wrongly answering Please Release Me in their January "name that tune" competition (The Argus, March 6).

If your horse falls at the last fence when it's a distance clear or after joining the Navy to see the world you're put on a submarine, that's bad luck.

When a person is wheelclamped while displaying a valid parking permit and disabled badge like I was, that is because someone hasn't got a clue what he is doing.

Eventually I had to get a taxi to take my invalid friend and myself home. Then another taxi back after Guardian extorted £120 from me to remove the clamp.

When will it end? When organisations stop handing out contracts to the likes of Guardian.

  • Dave Bonwick, Oakdene Close, Portslade