A high-achieving school is to help three of its Sussex counterparts get better exam results for their pupils.

The pioneering project will see three Hastings schools getting help and advice from Birmingham's Ninestiles school which recently won national praise for improving its pupils' performances.

East Sussex County Council has agreed to award a contract to Ninestiles Plus, a company run by Ninestiles School.

Under the scheme, Hillcrest, Filsham Valley and The Grove will get expert support to improve their results.

The county will pay £400,000 towards the cost of the scheme with the Department for Children, Schools and Families providing £500,000.

Keith Glazier, East Sussex's lead member for children and adult services, said: "Improvements to educational standards are urgently required in the Hastings community and this is a radical solution.

"Everybody acknowledges that we need to do more to improve attainment in Hastings and do better by the town's young people.

"That's not to be critical of the schools or staff in Hastings. Everyone is working extremely hard to raise standards but we have to be honest and admit that what has been tried so far has not succeeded in raising standards fast enough.

"This is a three-year initiative and we are totally committed to making it work."

The executive leader of the project will be Ninestiles School headteacher Sir Dexter Hutt.

When Sir Dexter became head of Ninestiles School in 1988, it was a failing school with only six per cent of its students achieving 5 A*-C GCSEs.

By 2006 83 per cent of its students were gaining five A*-C grades.

Ninestiles Plus is the company set up by the school which runs a wide range of training and improvement packages for schools up and down the country.

Sir Dexter said: "The determination and commitment of those involved in the regeneration of Hastings is very evident.

"I feel both excited and privileged to have the opportunity to work with them. I look forward to working closely with the headteachers, governors and staff of the three schools.

"We all recognise that our young people hold the key to the future prosperity of the area. It is their qualifications, skills and attitudes that will underpin the regeneration of Hastings.

"Our job will be to develop new strategies, and continue to work closely with parents to ensure that our students achieve their true potential."