A schoolgirl has become the envy of her classmates - by collecting every Blue Peter badge.

Becky Davies, 11, made the clean sweep in just three years as she avidly undertook every challenge posed by the popular children's TV programme.

She got her first badge aged eight after creating a book telling a story inspired by statues of dragons in Brighton's Royal Pavilion.

Becky scooped the rest with a variety of feats including winning competitions, saving a budgie injured by a cat and creating an image of the celebrated Blue Peter logo.

She has a green badge for environmental work, a round badge for finishing as a competition runner-up and a purple badge for writing a review of the programme.

Her favourite achievement was having her story selected in a competition to complete a tale started by The Snowman author Raymond Briggs.

Becky, who goes to St Mary's Hall School in Eastern Road, Brighton, has now been selected to go on a tour of the programme's studios in London.

She said: "I watch Blue Peter every time it is on. I enjoy the competitions."

Becky won a silver badge - given to children who are deemed worthy for a second time - and even won a second badge through an error by the programme-makers when she submitted an entry under her full name of Rebecca.

She was also awarded a rare gold badge last year.

Her mother Glynis Swallow, 53, of Reading Road, Brighton, said: "She works so hard. She is a go-getter. If she's after something, she goes for it."

Even though she has collected every badge available, Becky's involvement with Blue Peter remains deep.

She is eagerly awaiting her next challenge after being made a Team Player.

The distinction, denoted by the purple badge, means children are asked to take part in initiatives run by the programme and possibly even make a television appearance.

Becky does not know what she wants to do when she grows up but harbours a secret ambition to become a Blue Peter presenter.

Her favourite presenter on the programme is Gethin Jones.

The traditional Blue Peter badge, with a blue ship on a white background, entitles holders to free entry to hundreds of attractions around the country.

Becky's favourite destination is the Sea Life Centre in Brighton.

Do you know anyone who has won a Blue Peter badge? Tell us about them below.