A woman has defied odds of 729,000 to one to give birth to triplets - then twins.

Emma Witney, 30, had two boys and a girl in one go before conceiving two more boys four years later.

Despite being on the maternity ward just twice Emma's brood is made of Jason, Scott and Rachel, all six, and Freddie and William, 19 months, Emma, of Raymond Close, Seaford, said: "We thought we'd try for a baby when the triplets were about four years old but then we were told we were having twins.

"It was a bit of a relief because everybody was saying that I was going to have quads. When there were two of them I was so relieved because there could have been more."

The odds of having non-identical, or fraternal, triplets are about one in every 8,100 births while the odds of fraternal twins are one in 90.

With combined odds of 729,000 to one, Emma had more chance of being struck by lightening at 576,000 to one, or being killed by an asteroid at 20,000 to one.

Emma has a mountain to climb each morning.

She said: "We get up at 7am and Neil goes straight to work. I get up and get myself sorted while the triplets get themselves up and dressed while I bring the twins downstairs ready for breakfast.

"It's usually really manic between 7am and 8.30am. The triplets then get off to school and it quietens down. I've got two very good friends who take them for me.

"The triplets love the twins and they're fantastic with them.

"They've never been jealous of them because they've never been on their own. If there is anything they can do to help, they will."

Although the twins were an extra burden on Emma and taxi driver husband Neil, 41, the couple have managed to co-ordinate the evenings with military precision.

She said: "You have to get a bedtime routine going as soon as you can. You're able to get some time to yourself and with your other half and you can de-stress in the evening.

"It also helps if you've got family willing to help if you fancy going out. My family have been brilliant and they all much in as much as they can."