A health boss responsible for overseeing controversial cuts to maternity services is moving on to another post.

Nick Yeo is standing down as chief executive of East Sussex Downs and Weald and Hastings and Rother Primary Care Trusts (PCTs).

He will be taking up a new job as chief executive of Hampshire Partnership NHS Trust this summer.

His departure comes as the battle to stop Eastbourne District General Hospital having its maternity unit downgraded continues to rage.

The two PCT boards decided in December to have a full consultant-led maternity unit at the Conquest Hospital in St Leonards and a midwife-led one at Eastbourne.

Tens of thousands of people had spent months signing petitions, going on marches and attending meetings in protest at the plans.

They warned lives would be put at risk if mothers have to travel up to 20 miles away for urgent treatment.

The decision has since been referred to the Department of Health by the East Sussex health overview and scrutiny committee and could end up being thrown out.

Campaigners are also taking legal action and working to take out a judicial review on the plans.

Margaret Farrell, from the Hands off the Conquest campaign, said she was not surprised Mr Yeo was leaving.

She said: "We always felt that he was brought in to bring about the changes and then would move on somewhere else afterwards.

"What we really need are people who are loyal to the area and hopefully his replacement will have that.

"I wouldn't be surprised if we don't see some more people leaving in months to come.

"Mr Yeo's going makes absolutely no difference to us. We believe both major hospitals in East Sussex should have a full maternity service and that fight goes on."

Mr Yeo joined the PCTs in October 2006.

He said: "It has been my privilege to be involved in the development of the local NHS within East Sussex.

"During my time here I have received great support and cooperation from across the local area, for which I am grateful.

"I believe that both trusts, working with staff, partners and the local community, are well placed to develop services and improve the health and wellbeing of the local population in the years to come."

East Sussex, Downs and Weald PCT chairman John Barnes said: "I am grateful to Nick for the considerable work that he has undertaken in moving NHS services forward in the local area.

"As a result of the work done in the last 18 months we have re-established financial control within the PCT and this gives us a platform to make real progress in the months and years ahead."

Mr Yeo said he would support his successor by ensuring all the necessary evidence was available for when the Department of Health reviews the maternity decision.

Work has now started to appoint a successor for Mr Yeo.

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