I was sorry to see that the post office at 13 Preston Road, Brighton, is to close on Tuesday.

I would like to thank Mr and Mrs Patel for their help and offer them my best wishes for the future.

The post office in my road closed five years ago and I have used the Preston Road Post Office, the post office in the former Co-op and the Ship Street Post Office ever since. Alas only the Co-op one will remain.

It has been said that the lease of this post office runs out this month but nothing has been publicly announced as to whether it will remain or be moved to another property in the area.

If the Co-op branch closes either temporarily or even permanently, there will be no post office in the London Road and Preston Road area. The nearest will be Patcham, St James's Street or the branch in WH Smiths in Churchill Square.

Why was it decided to close the Preston Road Post Office at this time of uncertainty about the situation for the Co-op branch?

I would like to suggest that the post office managers issue a list or map of where the existing post offices remain in Brighton and Hove, similar to the one Brighton and Hove City Council publishes for public conveniences. People could then decide which is the most convenient for them.

The policy these days seems to be that if it is useful to the public, close it.

  • Renton Reeves, Havelock Road, Brighton