Robert Powell correctly warns that the planning advisory note concerning Brighton Marina to be considered by Brighton and Hove City Council environment committee on March 20 will be decisive for the future of Brighton (Letters, March 4).

Our charming seafront with its listed Regency terraces is today's seaside dream, but will it be tomorrow's tower-block nightmare?

Will the rush to build expensive flats turn Brighton into a dormitory town for London commuters? Will the marina become a second-home zone for summer weekenders? Will traffic gridlock be the new norm?

One might have expected our council to heed the views of residents in shaping our city for the future but so far it has only taken a real and continuing interest in what developers want. True, a handful of residents' representatives were "consulted", but too little and too late. And their key concerns about the height and density of proposed developments have so far been ignored.

With council officers determinedly pursuing an agenda that is difficult to distinguish from that of the developers, it is now up to the environment committee to do what it says on the packet and protect our environment.

  • Brian Simpson, The Cliff, Brighton