I write with reference to Orange's proposal to install a radio base station near West Hove Infant and Junior Schools in Portland Road.

I cannot believe that such a proposal is even being considered by the council. There is no conclusive evidence to suggest that these structures are 100 per cent safe. The mere suggestion of putting a base station opposite a primary school is abhorrent and immoral.

How can such a risk to our children's health be even considered?

I would like to pose a question to the council and Orange. Would this proposal be even considered if the base station was to be placed near their own child's school? I am confident that the answer to this question would be no.

What parent would take a risk if there was the slightest chance that their child's health could be compromised in any way?

I urge the council to think carefully about this ridiculous proposal and let common sense prevail. Let's stand up to these companies who are prepared to put our children's health at risk in order to maximise their already over-inflated profits.

The future is not bright. The future is not Orange. The future is our children.

  • Katerina Mills, Tamworth Road, Hove