Contrary to the opinion of Peter Crowhurst (Letters, March 3), I believe a directly elected cabinet system of local government in conjunction with the direct election of a city mayor with executive powers is the way forward.

The committee system obviously does not work as Brighton and Hove is trapped in a spiral of indecision with many schemes on the table but no real progress on the ground.

The latest is the proposed plans for the Sackville Road industrial estate. It is a grand scheme but without a chance of being implemented given the history of this city.

Yes, as with other schemes it will eventually be approved, possibly with changes. But implemented?

No. If you don't believe me, look around the city and see that the station site, planned 30 years ago, is the only one actually in construction.

This is, I believe, because we have a city council committee system with no real leader to push forward these schemes.

You have only to look towards London where a directly elected mayor gives the city impudence to push schemes forward. The forthcoming mayoral elections have generated interest only bettered by a general election.

  • James Greed, Wheatfield Way, Brighton