Lead singer James New sure knows how to put on a show.

He did his best Johnny Borrell impressions, swaggering and gurning through the gig, while the rest of his band made a pretty good fist of creating a decent racket.

But the sextet from Bexhill's tunes sound a bit dated now.

There's little new in their material at a time when other outfits are really breaking new ground.

For a group whose stated ambition is to sound like no other band, they sounded - well, like a lot of other bands.

To be fair to Mumm-Ra, they do have at least two cracking songs in Out Of The Question and She's Got You High, both of which got the venue jumping.

With a new album in the offing, possibly out later this year, hopefully the boys will widen their horizons a little - New has hinted as much.