It's great to see coverage of Mayor of Brighton and Hove Carol Theobald's patronage of ChoirFest Brighton 2008, the national event being hosted by the Hullabaloo Community Quire this summer (The Argus, February 29).

Hullabaloo has grown from six singers to a 90-strong choir in just nine years. We are proud to bring this prestigious festival of song to this great city, already renowned for its celebration of performance arts. Past festivals have taught Hullabaloo that there's nothing quite like the experience of performing with 500 others in a massed sing and then going out to designated spots throughout the city to busk with your individual choir.

It brings fun to unsuspecting passers-by and shoppers and it will bring our city musically alive.

Knowing how far-reaching The Argus coverage is, may we extend via your letters pages an emphatic invitation to all choirs in the South East and beyond to join the choirs from throughout Britain for the festivities over the weekend of July 11-13.

For contact information please visit Hullabaloo's website at

  • Lesley Fairbairn, chair, Hullabaloo Community Quire