The key to this monthly sketch show's enduring success is its totally topical script and its friendly, fresh-faced cast.

No one was spared, not even 82-year-old Baroness Thatcher, whose latest admission to hospital was sent up in I Believe I Can Die. Then there were skits by Pointless Hilton (Catriona Ryan) where the ditzy heiress tries in vain to fathom the US obsession with "tortoises" - caucuses.

Lead talent Mark Brailsford was a joy as a jovial, champagne-sozzled David Cameron, who couldn't understand why "gels weren't clamouring to take up posts like minister for blowing on one's cocoa".

And if you're local, forget it. Simon Fanshawe was ridiculed to That's Amore, while Heather Mills McCartney belted out Gold Digger - "I drink from a golden cup, there was no pre-nup".

An encore medley including My Sharia Law had the audience stamping their feet.