So A massive new shopping centre could be built in the middle of Worthing, with a flagship store (The Argus, March 6). The operative word is "could". Ann Barlow says that the Worthing Borough Council cabinet is "confident it is what the residents of Worthing want". Too true - and have wanted for decades.

Steady, Ann, haven't we heard all this before - many times?

Some exciting new scheme is always ready and waiting, just around the corner - but nothing ever seems to happen.

She says it is hoped an investor and operator for this enormous new centre can be found. But could this be rather a slender hope? And why wasn't something done ages ago?

Take the ongoing eyesore of Teville Gate. How many years has the council been huffing and puffing about this vital ingredient in any town's redevelopment?

There is a saying: "Hope deferred makes the heart sick." And hope is about all we are ever offered, without any grounds for realistic expectation.

  • Guy Fleming, Belsize Road Worthing