With regard to the above postcard which was part of a collection to be auctioned (The Argus, March 3), this photo shows Roberts & Son Motor Removal Contractors standing outside 19 Warwick Street, Kemp Town.

My friend, Les Roberts, 87, is the son of the man on the left and the grandson of the man on the right. He tells me the photo was taken in the late 1920s or early 1930s when the company had just got their first delivery lorry. Before then they had two horses, which were stabled in Somerset Street. Les told me a story about the horses I thought readers would be interested in. Les says: "Of course that was the Edwardian era, which was a hard time. My grandfather was a good man but he grew up in the reign of Queen Victoria and he still applied the strict standards of that time. Our horses were the most important asset of the business and their welfare was of the utmost importance. Early one morning my grandfather saw one of his workers, Bert, in the café on the corner of Warwick Street. He looked in and asked if the horses had been fed. No', replied Bert, I was just going to have my breakfast and then go and feed them'. Don't bother', my grandfather said just pick up your cards, you're finished with Roberts & Son.'"

  • Peter Groves, Cissbury Road Hove